Day Two Part 1: Monday May 19th
So I got up early, at about 6:30 to take a shower and start driving. I wanted to get to Boulder on the 20th, since my appointments were all on the 21st. I really wanted to experience Boulder, since that would be were I could be living for three years. So getting as many miles driven as possible, and during the daylight, I had to get up early.
So around noon, I stopped to let Kristen take a shower. She has to have a shower everyday, and shave for that matter. I had the generator running so that Aly and I could watch TV while Kristen showered. Then Kristen started yelling about the water still being cold, and that the water stopped. I get up from the couch and walk over to check the pump and I step in water. Not just a little, but a puddle, and it was gushing from under the kitchen sink. I open the cabinet and water gushes out all over my feet. I jump up and turn off the pump, and Kristen gets out of the shower, only a little wet.
The next hour I spent trying to reach Dad and try to fix the sink. The hose had popped and the hole was right at the top of the tube and the sink did not have a shut off valve. I tried stopping it, and it kept leaking. After going through almost an entire roll of Teflon tape, the leak would not stop. By this time I had to get back on the road, and the RV fix-it place we called could not see us that day.

Trying to fix the sink. Aly was relying Dad's instructions to me.

St. Louis, the Arch to the West.
I did not enjoy driving through St. Louis. The highway took us straight the heart of the city, which was nice to see, but the traffic was horrendous. I am keeping to the right hand lane so that I can drive slower and have a shoulder to use if I need to; and then there was a car on the shoulder.
This guy was on the side of the road and the driver decides to open his car door right as I am going by. I slam on my breaks because his car door goes over the white line. So when I put on the breaks, a 5 pound coffee mug full of pens and pencils falls from above my head and almost knocks me out. And a flying pen barely misses taking out Kristen's eye. That was the only incident in St. Louis. I cussed the guy on the side of the road and then kept driving.

Kristen, after not having her shower!!!
Kristen is the shower Nazi. She showers and shaves everyday, and to not be able to made her slightly irritable. The above picture was taken in jest, but it is true. She was curt the whole day. So I stopped at a truck stop to dump and replenish the water for when we did get it fixed in Boulder. And Kristen being desperate for a shower went to ask the truck stop if they had public showers. Even if I had not gotten a shower that day, I can survive three days without a shower. But Kristen was determined, so her and Aly took a 6 dollar shower together. Kristen was much happier after that.

It was Aly's job to dump, since she never drove. Kristen was at least willing, so Aly took the dirty job.

Kansas City
One thing that needs to be said is that I had a dream, a dream of listening to Kansas in Kansas, and I got to live that dream on the second day of this trip. It was at dusk, so Kansas City was beautiful. We rolled the windows down and Carry on my Wayward Son blared from the speakers. Then we got lost.
We got lost in downtown Kansas city and I had to drive through the ghetto on roads that I had to do a five point turn to make a right turn at an intersection. But we eventually made it to the high-way and kept driving. I was not tired, so this was my first night driving experience.
To Be Continued....
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