Day Two part 2: Monday May 19th
So we continued driving into the night, and then Kristen and I see this sign. A road sign that made us both squeal. But before I can explain the excitement, I need to tell ya'll about a part of my friendship with Kristen.
When Kristen and I were juniors in college, we started watching a cheesy television series that lasted a year in the early 90's. Roar was a Celtic show that starred Heath Ledger. It was amazingly awful, but it started a trend with us. We next moved on the X-Files and then Kristen got to pick a show. And she picked a show that was currently on TV and in its' second year. It is the next generation of X-Files. Supernatural suddenly filled our lives. Supernatural is a show about two young brothers that hunt the supernatural to make the world a safer place for the clueless to the paranormal. The family in the show, the Winchesters, are from a small town in Kansas. And we drove through Lawrence Kansas. We got to be in the place that was the birth place of two of the sexiest hunters alive.
Kristen is a Dean Winchester fan, while I love Sam. Kristen likes the bad boy while my heart goes out to the sentimental smart one. And we got to drive through the hometown of our Hollywood husbands.

Why, Hello there Dean.

Oh Sammy.
Day 3: Tuesday May 20th
I got up early yet again to continue driving. Kansas was beautiful, nice rolling hills and lots of cows. Which Aly and Kristen found highly amusing. The quote "Julie, I gotta go, we've got cows" from Twister was quoted throughout the trip. We stopped at another truck stop to shower, this time it was 10 dollars and Kristen and I shared the cost and shower. Girl bonding at its' finest.

Pretty Kansas Picture.
While in Kansas we saw several signs of the highway screaming at us to get saved and that abortion was a sin. Nice conservative state, which we found highly enjoyable. Kansas was beautiful until we were close to Colorado, and then the hills became flat prairie.
After the shower, Kristen wanted to drive, and then the GPS got us lost again. It got us lost early by directing us to a nonexistence truck stop. Then it told Kristen to take a right to the highway when the highway was on the left. We ended up a straight road out in the middle of nowhere. The GPS kept telling Kristen to turn onto these dirt roads that ran through cornfields. She would not do it, so I took over. Kristen was convinced that we were all going to die at the hands of some back country farmer. It was fine, although Aly swears that she saw a rabbit that could have eaten us.
The rest of the trip was just driving to Boulder.

Our first shot of the Great Rocky Mountains.
We made it to Denver just in time for rush hour, but then it was only a short drive to Boulder. We tried to find a campground in Boulder, and the GPS took us to a country club and a dead end street. After using two driveways and taking out a mailbox (joking, about the mailbox anyways) we made it to a KOA in Longmont, just outside of Boulder, we made camp. We stayed that night in the wal-mart across the street to save money and go to camp ground the next day.
We drove to downtown Boulder and parked at a hotel and ate at a wonderful Mexican restaurant. It was nice and peaceful. Then we walked to the main campus of my school on Arapaho Drive. It was a collection of building and homes and very artsy. Then we went back to the wal-mart to sleep.