She saved me here. Saved me from feeling totally alone. She was the constant in my life. no matter where I went in the last 3 years she came. She was there for me for Aaron, for Bella and most importantly for the isolation I have felt going to school. Overall I am better, overall I know that River will be a wonderful dog, but walking through that front door without her brought it all back. I... I just... I don't know anymore. I just want her back.
I wish that I had gone to look for her that night, that I had trained her to my parents' invisible fence, that she had been smart enough to come home and not get lost, smart enough to have not gotten hit. I want her to magically return from the dead. To come running to me like nothing had happened, that I hadn't found her on the side of the road. I know that I am rambling. I just still miss her. Even the things that drove me crazy I miss.