I have not written in a while, mostly because I am living on auto-pilot these days. I have a set routine for everyday, I go to class, do work on campus, maybe go out to eat with the girls, and then more class, then home and get up and do it again. If it is a
Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it is dreading going to work, then going to work and returning home exhausted and sleeping. I am just going through the motions of this life. And I hate it.
I hate that every Monday I dread going to Developmental Psychology because it puts me in a shitty mood the rest of the day. All I can think about in that fucking class is how much I hate it and don't want to be there. Oh, and how I am an utter failure in that class. I have never struggled like this in a class before. I have never had to work for a fucking C, not even an A, but a C. What the hell happened to me? Where did that good student go? I used to breeze through papers and tests and I was fine. But in this class, I fail.
The fact that I am struggling in this class makes me doubt my wanting to go to grad school. I mean if I can't make it as a college senior what hope do I in grad school. If I was going for studio art, no big deal, I thrive in that, but this, writing papers and talking in classes, not my strong suits. But I want this life. I want to be an art therapist. I want to show people how to save themselves with art. I want art to save someone the way that it did me. It saved me every minute of my life in high school and college. And the thought of not having those studio classes everyday scares the shit out of me.
I made a promise to myself last week that I would be a good student again. That I would not skip anymore classes, and what did I do today? Skipped two classes. My developmental teacher sent an email saying that we were going to watch a movie and that she would not be there. So what the hell makes her think that I am going to be there? I can watch the movie at home and take notes on it for the test. And then I got to sleep late. Then 4 o'clock rolled around and Jeremy was over, so I did not go. I am not worried about missing the second class, I have an A+ in that class. But it is the fact that I missed developmental...... again.
All of the above ranting comes down to this one thing. I am losing myself. I am losing my free spirit to the hell of corporate America every weekend and to writing logical precise papers every week. I lost my spark somewhere. I lost the fire. I lost my art. I spend maybe 8 hours a week in studio. That is not enough. I was spending every waking second doing or thinking about my art, and now my mind rests on papers about childhood memory. I am losing myself to the motions.
But I am going to get it back. I am going to be the person that loves school. I am going to ace my next developmental exam and paper. I am going to spend more time in the studio. I am going to find my spark again. I know that it is hidden in my art. I know that it is there waiting for me to find it again. And I know that I will, because if I don't I will lose the point to this life.