I am not worried necessarily, just anxious about the road ahead. Grad school is going to be hard, I know this. Once I get in I will need to find a place to live, and then move. God I hate moving! Granted some of my stuff has remained in boxes from the last move from Asheville to Wilkes, but I will still have to get all of my crap to PA. But I am getting ahead of myself. The first step is that acceptance letter, and then loans. Yay! for being in debt!
Wilkes is the same- small and boring. Still no job, so I will be working with my Dad in April. Building cabinets somewhere. I am looking foreword to spending that time with him, and the money will be pretty good. But that's it.
I have decided to brake up the monotony of my school-less life with making myself think that I am doing a show. And since for every show you have to have a theme, I am starting to try and think through some of the stuff floating around in my head. It is harder working here, no friends to suffer through modeling, no teachers breathing down my neck, so it will probably be some kind of self-exploration/ self-portrait kind of thing. We shall see! So expect some writings on that. It helps with my process to write about it, and this is a blog.
Here's to inspiration!