I am taking all of the beautiful landscape pictures that I have, with all of the arm outstreched pictures and melding the two. I have complete control over the background and the figures. I can put whoever I want in the pictures with Buffalo or a coyote. It is fun recreating a trip that did not happen in the way my prints say that it did. For example did you know that we saw a coyote run on water? Or that Aly stood nest to a Buffalo and her baby? So what if it did not happen, I see it on my mind and boom there it is. It is pretty amazing to know that I can make as many of these beauties as I want. I am going to take Print Making 2 next semester, and not ceramics 3.
The only bad thing about this class? The constant scraping and drawing is taking a toll on my hand. It will not stop shaking and when working on details that is a bad thing. It just takes some breathing and hand clenching and it subsides.